This is probably the most common mistake women make. Don’t rely on your partner to get things started every time. “When you initiate sex, it shows him that sex with him is a priority in your relationship,”
It is great to be in love and in love even though we respect each other and have lots of rights on our beloved, but often many girls find that they have offended their guy but many a times cannot understand why the man is hurt.
It’s not like you need for me to remind you of all the things that your girl, wife or even the person you are “courting” can do to annoy you because if you don’t know it will eventually come out.

Feelings of relaxation, the release of tension, and a sensation of bliss are the feelings some people experience after sex. But for others the afterglow of sex is not only absent but replaced with feelings of depression.

Whether we are in a brand new relationship or have been married for forty years, when it comes to talking with our partners about sex, panic can often set in.

Many parents would rather not talk with their kids about sex. Of course many parents would rather not talk with anyone about sex. And while you can choose to avoid sexual communication in your adult life with romantic partners

From the moment we’re born our health and growth (physical, psychological, spiritual) is compared to others based on numbers. Actually, it happens even before we’re born: How far along are you?

For better or worse, there is an intimate relationship between sex and alcohol in our culture. Many people use alcohol to “loosen themselves up” in anticipation of having sex with a new partner, and it is a commonly held belief that alcohol is an aphrodisiac.

Everyone has a hard time talking about sex at one time or another. Whether it’s answering a question about sex from your children, talking with your partner about a sexual issue, or asking your doctor a medical sex question

No simple test determines sexual compatibility between two (or more) people. Websites and magazines that offer tests or quizzes designed to help you figure this out are leading you astray.

Everyone and anyone you can image is the kind of person who uses sex toys. In fact research on vibrator use suggests that people who are having sex use sex toys more than those who aren’t, and that between 20-30% of people have used sex toys at least once in their lives.
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