With many of us consuming packaged and fast food on a regular basis, the amount of sodium in the average daily diet is higher than ever. But what is the affect of consuming lots of salt and sodium loaded foods on our health and well being? Just how much sodium should we consume daily and is there a way to reduce the amount of sodium we eat?
- Sodium is necessary for our bodies to function. However, most individuals consume far in excess of the maximum 1,200 to 2,000 mg that they need. Since sodium occurs naturally in many foods anyway, there is no need to add salt to our food. Salt contains about 39% sodium, so in a teaspoon of salt there is actually a whopping 2,400 mg of sodium!.
- As a result, try to avoid foods with added salt. Also, try to avoid foods made with sodium bicarbonate as this also contain sodium.
- Unfortunately most packaged foods contain a lot of salt and sodium. Even purported health foods which are organic, low in fat, and even vegan or vegetarian are frequently loaded with sodium too. This makes eating a low sodium and healthy diet sometimes challenging.
- The negative health consequences of too much sodium are tremendous. Over time, excess sodium in our diets can lead to various medical conditions including hypertension/high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, enlarged heart, as well as various related complications such as irregular heart beat. High sodium consumption is also related to water retention (oedema), ulcers, kidney stones, osteoporosis, and heartburn.
- Excessive sodium consumption may even cause gastric cancer and, in very extreme amounts, death!
- The health benefits of reducing sodium in our diets and eating a low sodium diet are amazing.
- We can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart problems and even reverse heart enlargement all by cutting back on the salt.
- Obviously we can also eliminate our risk of developing a medical condition caused by consuming too much sodium as well.
- Overall you will feel healthier by reducing sodium consumption. And once we manage to kick our cravings for salt, which usually takes most people about 2-3 weeks of avoiding it, we can enjoy our food without the negative side effects of so much sodium in our diets.
- For example, we can start replacing salt with herbs and spices, such as tumeric, cayenne pepper, etc. But remember that in some spice blends, such as chilli powder, sodium is added – so be sure to check the ingredients!
- Also, onions and garlic add tremendous flavour to many dishes, as does extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar, without adding any sodium. Throw some crushed chilli peppers into the mix for a spicy kick!
- The most obvious way to eliminate sodium from our diet is to eat a diet mostly comprised of freshly prepared foods, emphasizing fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid packaged and fast food alternatives, as well as salty dips and dressings.
- Avoid canned foods as well, as these are often loaded with salt. For example, canned beans are usually highly salted.
- For snack alternatives, try to avoid salty chips/crisps, crackers and pretzels and instead choose unsalted versions of the same snacks, including nuts, dried fruit and unsalted popcorn.
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