- Helps decrease fatigue, even in the first trimester. This is also true of insomnia.
- Can help women have a shorter labor. This is particularly true if you use movement in labor by changing positions.
- Has been shown to help women lose pregnancy weight faster.
- Helps with endurance during pregnancy and labor. We know labor is a marathon - so train for it!
- Decreases aches and pains associated with pregnancy.
- Can help reduce likelihood of tearing or severe trauma from episiotomy.
- Can reduce the number of cesareans that are necessary.
- It's fun and feels great!
- Leads to a faster postpartum recovery. Add breastfeeding to kick start the weight loss of postpartum.
- It's a habit that once started will lead to a lifetime of good fitness.
It leaves one asking the questions - who were they interacting with, what was said, when did it happen, and how capable and reliable was the patient to make those interpretations. moe's diabetic
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