Estimated Amounts Needed
- Adults need 310 to 420 mg/ day.
- Children need 130 to 240 mg/day.
Benefits/Deficiency Symptoms
- Magnesium is needed for bone, protein, making new cells, activating B vitamins, relaxing nerves and muscles, clotting blood, and in energy production.
- Insulin secretion and function also requires magnesium. Magnesium also assists in the absorption of calcium, vitamin C and potassium.
- Deficiency may result in fatigue, nervousness, insomnia, heart problems, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, muscle weakness and cramps.
Fruit Sources
- Avocado
- Banana
- Blackberries
- Blackcurrants
- Breadfruit
- Cherimoya
- Dates
- Guava
- Pomegranate
- Watermelon
Vegetable Sources
- Amaranth leaves
- Butternut squash
- French Beans
- Lima Beans
- Okra
- Peas
Nut/Seed/Grain Sources
- Almonds
- Amaranth
- Buckwheat
- Cashews
- Oats
- Peanuts
- Rye
- Wheat - Durum
- Wheat - Hard Red
- Wheat - Hard White
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